bookmark_borderHalloween Self-Portrait 2017 + Update

So sales have slowed down and I’m slightly frustrated by it. I guess I got spoiled when everything ramped up in the last couple of months. But I suppose this gives me time to reflect and be thankful for my accomplishments.

On October 22nd, 2017 I reached my 6 month mark being in business.

What are the pros and cons of having a small business? I will tell you from my perspective:

Pro #1: I really enjoy learning about the crystals as well as looking for crystals and stones to add to the shop.

Con #1: You WILL be spending money. There’s really no way around it.


Pro #2: I get to design/create/market things my way.

Con #2: You WILL be spending A WHOLE LOT of money.

There’s more but I will stop right there.

I didn’t take out a loan either, I was using my own savings and putting everything on a credit card and paying it back in huge amounts. But something happened recently where a family member borrowed a huge chunk of money and now I have no idea if it will be paid back. That’s a whole lot of uncertainty right there. So now I’m trying to figure out how to keep the business going while spending less? In other words, how to make my money last.

So that’s where I’m at currently. I knew from the getgo that this would be challenging and a different experience for me and I’m not about to give up right before I reach my first year. I know lots of small businesses fail and I don’t want to be one of them.

This is not a cry for help by the way. I’m just putting my thoughts down. I know everything will be fine, I just have to stay motivated, especially when it slows down.

I guess I would be freaking out if I didn’t have a job.

bookmark_borderIs the Internet Mysterious…

Or am I just finally doing something right on this little blog of mine? I honestly don’t know. If you’re reading this, this is just a record of the personal and small business stuff that I want to share with the public. In other words, just a personal artsy fartsy, occult-y, small business blog.

I’m not sure why I’m getting regular visitors to this website now. Save the Savages was setup because I was transitioning from my graffiti artist identity to this. And I still don’t know what “this” is. I’ve stopped defining it. It’s just whatever I’m into.

Am I an artist? Yes. I don’t create art as much as I’d like to but I’m still an artist. Am I a designer? Yes, I design for work mostly and a little bit for my small business. Am I an online marketer, web designer, wife and cat mom? Yes, I am all of those things too. At this point I am multidimensional and always have been, as we all are really. Lots of things that I used to bitch about have come in handy for me as I apply certain techniques to the small business. I mean, how synchronistic is that?

I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t limit yourself anymore. Stop telling yourself that you can’t do it. Ask yourself why, and keeping asking why. Keep asking yourself until you’re out of reasons or excuses. If you’re passionate about something, mix it with your other passions. Combine them and create a hybrid niche for yourself. Figure out a way to make money doing what you love.

You are God/Goddess afterall. You are the Universe experiencing itself.

bookmark_borderA Moment of Doubt When Diving Into the Unknown

A moment of doubt that needs to be aired out…

You made a decision and decided to commit to it, but the doubts and other naysaying aspects of yourself (all coming from you) start creeping into the mind and like literally a bunch of ‘what ifs’ start to come up. I’m not going to mention those ‘what ifs’ because they don’t exist, but my mind wants me to acknowledge them and make them come true through psychological repetition…

Why did I make it hard for myself?

Why didn’t I just sell on Etsy like everyone else?

Because you’re not like everyone else. I repeat: you’re NOT like everyone else.

You made it hard for yourself because deep down, you like a challenge; you like to problem solve and you like to learn and grow even though growth is annoying and a bit uncomfortable considering the money you’re investing into it. It’s a bit scary for you isn’t it…spending money and wondering if you’re going to get it back? Selling crystals on Etsy might’ve been way easier, but much harder for you to stand out since there’s so many people selling crystals & gemstones on there. Being outside of a selling platform might be harder but you’ll stand out more and you have more creative freedom. You’ve made the decision to become a legit small business so now stick with it. Things will not always be easy but be patient and persist, keep doing what you need to do to make your business grow and trust that it is already growing.

So get over your ridiculous ‘what ifs’. They don’t exist.

bookmark_borderHow To Sell Online If You’re Not Popular

Selling stuff online is a new venture for me. Some people are really good at it, while others (like me) might be off to a slow start.

It’s better to be honest about where you’re at currently, and right now things are going a bit slow – I don’t have a huge social media following and I rarely show my face. This might not be the case for everyone, but I think people tend to buy from a seller when they show their face or have built up some kind of online reputation over the years…

I have neither of those things and so I have to start from scratch. Maybe you are on the same boat as me? Well then, keep reading.

So how does one go about selling online if you’re not popular online?

There are a few ways to do this, but one of the ways requires spending money. I already know what you’re thinking – boo, hiss, groan!! I feel your pain – why should you spend money if no money is even coming in yet??

But understand this concept – in order to make money, you also have to spend it. Think of it as an investment.

In order to make money, you also have to spend it.

Business owners understand this concept very well, and I am learning this too. Startup costs like purchasing inventory or product to sell, hosting and domain for your online store, shipping materials, etc. If you’ll be selling at a local flea market you’ll be paying to be there and you’ll also have to rent or purchase a tent, chairs, tables and whatever items you might need to make your tent or table look appealing to potential buyers.

So you see, EVERYTHING costs money. But if you see it as an exchange for the things you want (because in reality that IS what it is), you won’t feel like you’re ‘losing’ money or that you’re always broke. No money is ever lost – instead you gained things, things that you’ve been wanting. It’s a constant exchange and nothing more.

The other less expensive way is to just keep on trucking through posting on social media, seo and blogging. This is the nature of things, where not everything can happen right away because you want them to. You have to build up your reputation and following by being active on social media consistently and not just when you feel like it. You also have to post really good content on your blog so it can be found on Google.

So in short, you have to experiment with all three of these things: paid advertising, blogging and social media.

One of the main requirements to selling online is patience. You’re planting a seed right now, so don’t expect it to sprout right now too!

I’m writing this because these are the things that I’m currently experiencing; in April 2017 I was so excited and full of fire to setup everything – the website, getting a seller’s permit & business tax license; those were not easy feats. The month of May was great because my good friend who is a herbalist invited me to have a table at a yoga studio for a small artisan faire – and I actually sold some stuff! Now it’s June and although I made a sale, I’m experiencing a little bit of a slump.

So I’m writing this to my future self – everything goes in cycles and you have to keep going with this. Be persistent, don’t give up and you will eventually see the fruits of your labor. You put in a lot of work already, don’t succumb to just being lazy and letting Etsy, Ebay or Amazon take a cut from your profits. You are technical, creative and motivated. You can see this through and you will still be here a year from now.

Here are the crystals & stones I’m currently working with to help me achieve my business goals – natural Citrine, Green Aventurine, Moss Agate & heat treated Citrine. Added Pyrite to the mix as well.

Update 11/27/18:
It’s been a year and a half since I wrote this blog post. My online crystal shop, Metaphysical Vibes is still up and running. I have experimented with Google AdWords and Facebook ads; though both are great I feel as if Google AdWords is slightly better as it brings actual buyers.

I have made some sales on the website, but it’s inconsistent as most people still go to my Etsy. It’s going to take some time before people start shopping on my website on a regular basis.

Update 11/28/20:
Wow, it’s been 2 years since I wrote this blog post. The crystal shop is still there, but I am not making as much sales as I used to. This year especially has been hard and not just for me but for every small business.

Don’t quit your day job (if you still have one).


Like I said, remain consistent. This stuff takes time and it’s not a ‘get rich quick’ kind of scheme.

bookmark_borderI Suck at Writing. How Do I Improve?

With everything you want to get better at, you just have to practice. As a matter of fact, I am practicing right now.

It’s better to write about something that actually interests you. I am interested in developing the Self.

We need to get over ourselves, we need to stop overthinking and wondering if people are going to like what we write and just go for it.

Continue reading “I Suck at Writing. How Do I Improve?”

bookmark_borderHow To Diversify Your Life

I snagged this infographic from James Altucher’s Twitter. His writings have been resonating with me lately.

Hopefully this will remind me everyday to do something about it, if I really want to break free from my one source of income.

Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate having a job doing what I do best; it’s been a stable and abundant life. It’s actually one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. But something keeps tugging at me, something keeps telling me I am meant for more. And when I am online, I am often drawn to writers & authors who talk about this kind of stuff.

And I can’t explain why.

I typed some of the Infographic for your reading enjoyment. I will come back and type out the rest.

How to Diversify Your Life by James Altucher

The only way to survive, to get off the floor, to build, to have ideas, to create businesses, to have flourishing relationships, is with diversification. And with the greatest invention since the wheel, the internet, it’s easier to do it now than ever before.

01 – Diversify Ideas
People ask me, “When I’m writing my 10 ideas for the day to build my idea muscle, should they all be business ideas, or around one sector?” No! Write ideas about anything you can. Then mate them. Make your brain supple and creative in every area.

02 – Creative Output
Everyone wants to create their “masterpiece”. But you can’t. All you can do is create. Then the world will decide what is a masterpiece. Thomas Edison has 1,093 patents but we remember him today for just one. The point: be prolific.

03 – Diversify The People You Meet
I’m shy. I like to stay home and not answer the phone. But I make myself schedule meetings with 3 or 4 new people each week. I go into the city and schedule them all back-to-back. I always want to be proactive about learning things from new people.

04 – Diversify Your Home
The American Dream dictates you have to own a house. As if your identity is tied up in the wood box you live in. But the world is an enormous and amazing place. Why not live in Airbnb’s and diversify your identity across exotic places around the globe?

05 – Diversify Your Platform
You can’t just blog. You can’t just be on Facebook or Twitter. You can’t just self-publish on Amazon. You have to be everywhere. Don’t wait for the mainstream media to pick you. Go to where the people are and make it happen.

06 – Diversify Your Thoughts
I spent too much of my life worrying about money and women. Meanwhile, there’s 100 billion other fun things to think about each day. Diversification of thoughts is the only way to slow life down, to let the thoughts simmer instead of boil.

07 – Diversify What You Read
Get 4 books: one about your career, one about your top interest or hobby (unrelated to your career), one thriller, and one book about spirituality or history. Read a little from each every day. Just 20 total pages a day equals 36 books a year.

08 – Diversify Your Health
List all of the unhealthy things you do. You don’t need to cut everything at once, but start one at a time. It’s painful to be 90 years old and know if you had done just a few things differently it wouldn’t hurt so much every time you went to the bathroom.

09 – Diversify The Way You Meet People
Adults think once you graduate college you have to go to bars to meet people. Not true. Put yourself in environments where you’re going to meet the kind of people you want to be around. Go to meetings, take classes, join groups, travel.

10 – Start More Than One Business
Start many businesses. Or jobs. Or careers. Start them at the same time. Eventually one will standout and flourish. This will be the one that will make you fabulously wealthy while having fun. But the only way to find it is to try many things.

bookmark_borderWhat Would You Do If You Were Fired Today?

I know what you’re probably thinking – the title of the post is completely unrelated to this image I created. Yes, your observations are correct. But I was in the mood, or better yet in a zone to draw crystals with my Wacom tablet while at work for some reason and attach it to this particular post. The title is still related to what I’m about to write…

What would you do if you were fired today? These are the kinds of thoughts that have been occupying my mind lately.

Continue reading “What Would You Do If You Were Fired Today?”

bookmark_borderHappiness is the Center


I couldn’t come up with a better title for this post, so this will do. I’ve been wanting to blog, but I’ve run out of things to talk about. Truth be told, I really don’t have a whole lot to say other than life is good and all is well in my world. And I really don’t want to force it either; perhaps sometime soon, more ideas will come through that will be worth blogging about.

In the meantime please continue to pursue peace, love and happiness for yourselves; continue to sparkle and shine on no matter what’s happening around you. You deserve to live a stress-free life. Don’t feel guilty that others are miserable, remember that you are only responsible for YOU.

Maybe I will write a tutorial on how I created the animated gif above. We shall see!

bookmark_borderInfographic: 10 Reasons to Blog (even if no one reads it)

I love this simple and well-designed infographic. I never get tired of seeing it – it’s just a really good reminder for me to keep at it with this blog, even if no one reads it. It’s good practice to blog or write – it exercises your brain, fleshes out ideas, makes you a better blogger/writer. I know my writing skills aren’t up there, but I’m doing my best.

It would be easier for me to fill up this blog with random images that I liked (like i used to in past versions), but now I’d rather stretch my mind by writing.

For helpful insights into marketing, social media, blogging and more – check out Mark Schaefer at:

bookmark_borderRebuilding Oneself Creatively

At some point in life, one has to rebuild or reinvent themselves. Maybe even more than once, but a few times in a span of a lifetime.

Your past no longer defines who you are now at this present moment.

I imagine this is how musicians must feel when fans are attached to their more popular songs; people keep wanting to hear you play those same songs over and over but you (the artist) have been ready to move on for sometime now.

But I have to admit, Purple Rain is Prince’s best album. EVER. RIP

I understand this because I have been in the process of doing just that, making others aware of me but from a different view.

It’s not easy, but it can be done. Your past friends might not ‘get’ you anymore, or you might have just drifted apart with those you used to be tight with. It happens.

And yes, there are a ton of artists, writers, makers, creators out there who want to be noticed for their work too but don’t be discouraged if you feel as if no one is paying attention to you and what you have to offer.

You must keep trying, but not in a way that makes you look thirsty (that’s a whole another topic in itself). It is better to make an effort than to be in a defeated mindset and say outloud “no one’s gonna buy my stuff” or “no one’s gonna give me the time of day”.

“No one likes my art.”
“No one likes my music.”
“No one reads my blog.”
“I’m not good at this.”

How do you know that? How do you know what people like or don’t like? You DON’T know.

As far as not being good at it, then you must practice. It’s the only way to get good at something. Even those who are naturally gifted have to practice their craft; it may come easier for them because of their talent – but practice and consistency is involved in any endeavor.

Here’s a personal example: I don’t think I am very good at writing. I am good at blogging about personal shit…as a matter of fact I am an EXPERT at it (haha); but writing for an actual audience – being helpful, making it interesting and to the point? That’s definitely a challenge for me. But I am making the effort with this blog post, I am practicing more and more.

The one thing you don’t want to do is put yourself down. Try not to say anything negative about yourself, try not to say anything negative about others.

Continue to create for yourself. Act like nobody’s watching.

So I hope this blog post motivates you a little. I know, I know…there’s already a FUCK TON of motivational quotes, words from ‘influencers’, experts, gurus, etcetera out there.

But I am just like you, I am trying too. I want to put more effort into this blog, I want to get better at writing quality blog posts on topics that I can discuss. I want to keep pumping out new drawings to go along with these blog posts.

Here are some new rough drawings from my sketchbook. I kinda like coloring with office supplies, hi-liters in particular :]